
This website is designed to record and celebrate the history of the village of Dallington in East Sussex, the people who have lived here and the places where they have lived and worked. It draws on materials from many sources – occasional local history talks, census returns and other documents, as well as individual research and queries received from people researching their family history.

If you have any questions, comments or information to share about the history of the village or its residents, please leave a message in the “Leave a Reply” box on the Queries & Replies page.

How to find what you are looking for

The site is a work in progress and I am currently in the process of simplifying the structure and re-organising the information that has been collected since the original site was set up.

  • Top menu (above the picture at the top of each page) The tabs will take you to the main information page for each section.
  • Search box (top right)  Use this if you are unsure where to find something or to get there quickly.